Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Last year at this time

Winter into Spring at the Nursery

It wasn't a cold winter, so I burned less firewood.  The greenhouse still spent all its winter nights with freezing temps barely in abeyance.

Leaves had been hauled
 and cracks had been filled with mud for sealant

 Sprouting and malting happened

Along with all the winter greenhouse greens

Using the horse manure from this pile I turned this cold frame into a hot frame

And in Early February I filled it with seeded flats

With a 110 degree bottom heat many of my seeds sprouted within a week.  Good news except that mice were eating the seedlings as fast they sprouted.  I lost all my early peppers and half my ginseng seed.  I had to move all the seed containers into the cold greenhouse and they went into "take forever to sprout mode"

Finally now in mid-April I am seeing good germination.  At least I do have an early crop of tomatoes.

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